A bit about me...

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A daydreamer who wants to one wants to explore any possibility as much as she can. Yes, it sounds cheesy but I love cheese!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Introduction: My little Prologue

I guess like every story, an introduction can come in handy. It is also the first step in getting comfortable with new world that is about to unfold before the very eyes of the reader.

I guess I shall introduce myself in this first post. My name is Daisy J Knight. Or, my friends either call me Dizzy Night or simply Dais.  Call me whatever you like really, I love having many nicknames.

I started this blog as a writing tool exercise. The thing is, I lack focus. I can concentrate to save my life sometimes. Could it be the ADHD or me? I don't know...

The point is I am almost about to turn 24 years old, about to graduate the University of California in Berkeley, and I feel like I am still a child stuck in this mature body.  Plus, I'm Berlin, Germany until May. Guess what!? I DON'T KNOW ANY GERMAN!

                               Life is just one great adventure I suppose....


Just when I thought I had things figured out, the economy goes down and there is so much competition for work. It leaves me scared and wondering what will happen to me.

I know I sound like a whinny child but can one blame me for being so concerned?

Heck, I'm not even sure if I will go to graduate school or not. 

That is not to say I do not have hope.

Things that do interest me are this:
  • Counseling: I love listening to people and understanding them
  • Social Work
  • Performing
  • Creative Writing
  • Journalism 
  • Teaching
Overall, my big dream in life is  to the ultimate adventure. That and  to just make people smile and make life easier for others.

I just need to figure things out. 

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