A bit about me...

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A daydreamer who wants to one wants to explore any possibility as much as she can. Yes, it sounds cheesy but I love cheese!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Focus on That Dream

I have been in Berlin for nearly a month now and it is hard to believe that I have come all this way. Granted for some, this is no big deal. But, coming from a strict home where I was not allowed to even join girl scouts, this is a great accomplishment. It has always been a dream of mine to come to explore a part of Europe especially visit the UK. (Which I did ^.^)

Of course this brings me to the discussion of dreams and goals. As I explained in an earlier blog about I have trouble focusing due to my ADHD, I sometimes have trouble sticking my goals/dreams. It is very difficult when there are sooo many things that interest a person. By trying to do everything, I accomplish nothing.

I know for sure I want to do a career in counseling/journalism. So far, in school, in order to stay more focus to my goal I decided to only stick with my media classes.  I translated my first episode for SSEXBOXX and I am contacting the crew around Berlin to see if I can  help them in anyways I can.

 Luckily my loved ones have been more than supportive of me. They help me stay focus because sometimes I toy with other career options such as: Nursing, Teaching, Academic Counseling, and/or Social Work. They remind me what my original goal is.

Even if mind does stray, I know that all of these careers involves being around people. Nothing brings me greater joy then to be as helpful as I can.

Furthermore, I love being around areas that inspire me to just write or create something.

It's so hard though to concentrate at times when there are sooo many possibilities and so many roads to take.

I least I did the first step and started setting up a website.


It is not completely set up yet. But, it's the first step to progress.

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